Project Report: Analysis and Learnings

With the progress so far, the placement report section is completed. This includes the analysis on isolation methods. Without proper testing, the approach provided in the report is a possible method that might be implemented to complete the emergency switch recovery.

Learnings is the next section I want to cover in the report. There are numerous skills and knowledge gained through this placement. It would be best for me to create a sort of categorization on the report for easier reading.

Some aspects of learning had been covered previously in the early part of the placement report. It is important to leave that structure as it is than to move it to a separate section as it would not be ideal. However, the plan is to include some knowledge learned, skills and especially the knowledge learned throughout the work with the IT team in NPIL.

Results my outcomes are not yet discussed in detail yet. However, there will be some cases and general discussions on how the products will be used. This includes the incomplete switch documentation.

By this point, my overall completion of my report would be 75%. The main analysis and report of the subject has been covered. I got back from my Supervisor, Neil, and he will provide some more feedback on the overall result of my report.

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