Report Progress: Placement Report

Dwelving into the placement project, I needed to recall all details on the work placement task from the top of my head. It was tough as I do not have the permission to access the project I have done in NPIL due to the current situation. However, my previous blogs entry helped a lot by providing summary of what I have done through the work placement with details of the challenges I have faced.

I tried to categorize the placement report as well as possible to bring flow to the workflow. Therefore, the report made was mostly made up of:

  • Preparation and Approach. Details about information or knowledge to be ready prior the task. Also provides information on what kind of method was used and some with the reason behind it.
  • Task. Details on the work flow of the project and how I managed to finish the project with the particular approach.
  • Challenges. Explained on a different section as it mostly covers bigger issues underlying it.

This structure applies for all tasks which I categorized by 3 parts which include

  • Device uptime visualization. This includes two similar task which are security camera and wireless access point uptime dashboard.
  • Traffic throughput visualization
  • Emergency switch recovery documentation

Each of these category will contain the sections explained before.

It took some time to figure out what are the challenges I have faced for the tasks. I believe the challenges that came up pose a great learning outcome for this work placement and thus is provided in more details in the project.

The report writing was accompanied by mostly references from PRTG and Juniper Networks documentation. Those are the references I had used to complete my work placement tasks.

Additional analysis was done on the emergency switch recovery documentation as the project was finished halfway. I look more into the approaches on how isolation could be implemented in a fully-running factory network without any disruption. The approach on creating private VLANs came up and might be possible to be implemented for the particular task.

Next task would be finishing up the report with some evaluation. This chapter covers on the skills that I have learned through some studying and expererience in the work place. After that, next section will cover how the finished products are being used and how will they use them. Also some evaluation on what went well and on some potential for improvement.

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