Interesting Class Blogs

Another late blog! Apologies. But you have got to do what you have to do!

A task to review our classmates blogs and find which one would I consider the most useful. However, I would change the word “useful” to “interesting” as in my perspective it seems much more, well, interesting. It’s just my way to not say that the other blogs that were not reviewed are considered useless.

As a reference, these are the links to my classmates blogs:


Let’s start reviewing!

I would say that most of them has done their tasks for the blog wonderfully. I think some of us only have blog for research method tasks and some other also included other courses that needed blogging.

What I find most interesting is that how everybody had created the blog for the presentation we did in the class not too long ago so detailed and so well-explained. Some informations that are not quite clear from me in the presentation can easily be looked up in their blogs.

For me, I believe the most interesting blogs are Dura’s and Aline’s. Dura had provided amazing posts on software development. It has the details written and great writing. His post on research methods is also an interesting one, it has a well-explained information of his topic in the blog posts.

Aline on the other hand has great writing and with a hint of personal touches in the blog posts. I believe that those personal touches are what makes the posts much more, human. I was really intrigued on how she also provided some images which makes posts much more interesting and fun.

What I found similarities in these two blogs is how they communicate information to the readers. I feel like they are explaining and writing for somebody, not just using blogs as notebooks. Applause for Dura and Aline!

Still, the other blog’s are worth noticing because they have their own perspective and style on their blog writings. These choices are only based on my opinion from which I find the most interesting.

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