Lab 10 Accessing NFS Storage

Make sure you have prepared a NFS storage in your Windows Server for this lab to work properly.

Configure Access to NFS Datastores

We will start from opening vSphere Web Client and go to the Storage tab from the left pane. Right-click on your datacenter and find Storage > New Datastore.

Figure 1. Create new datastore

A datastore creation window will appear and click Next on the first page. You need to select a type for the datastore which is NFS in this lab. Click Next to continue.

Figure 2. Select datastore type

Select NFS version 3.0 for this datastore and press Next to continue.

Figure 3. Select NFS version

You will need to configure the name and location of the NFS data that will be used and establish access through it from the VCSA. Give the name as preferred and folder location of the NFS storage. Be sure to put your storage server IP address on the Server. Press Next to continue.

Figure 4. NFS datastore name and configurations

Next window will show list of ESXi hosts and choose to which should the datastore be shared. If you aim to create a shared one, you can check severeal hosts. Press Next then you should see the summary page. Click Finish and the datastore will be created.

Figure 5. Select datastore hosts

Now to make sure the datastore is there, you can check under the Storage tab from the left pane and see if the datastore is in the inventory. If it is there, click on it and go to the Summary tab in the middle pane and expand all menus there to see all the specification of the datastore such as capacity, location and server.

Figure 6. NFS datastore summary

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