Lab 6 Creating Folders in vCenter Server Appliance

Create a Host and Cluster Folder

To start with the task, go in to your vCenter web client. In the Hosts and Clusters page, right-click the datacenter on the left pane and go to New Folder > New Host and Cluster Folder.

Figure 1. Create new host and cluster folder

A window will appear and give the folder name as you preferred. Press OK if you are done.

Figure 2. Enter name for new folder

After the folder is created, drag your ESXi host on the left pane in to the newly created folder. As you can see, the ESXi host is now moved inside the folder.

Figure 3. Host moved into the folder

Create Virtual Machine and Template Folders

From the left pane, choose the VMs and template tab which is the second from left.

Figure 4. VMs and Templates

Right-click on the datacenter and go to New Folder > New VM and Template folder.

Figure 5. Create new VM and template folder

Fill in the folder name as preferred then press OK. The folder is now created and the VMs inside the ESXi is shown there.

Figure 6. VMs folder created

If you try to right-click the VM and template folder and the Host and Cluster folder, you would differences in its options. The folder are options are specialized for its own category. For Host and Cluster folder, we can see it mainly supports the actions for creating host and cluster. For VM and Template folder, it mainly contains actions for VM and template administration.

Figure 7. Host and Cluster folder options
Figure 8. VM and template folder options.

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